Sql Inserting rows with identity column

In this article we will learn about IDENTITY_INSERT in sql and how we can insert rows with primary key identity column.

For inserting explicit values into the identity column of a table we use IDENTITY_INSERT. We can set its property ON or OFF.


SET IDENTITY_INSERT [ [ database_name . ] schema_name . ] table_name { ON | OFF }

database_name: Name of database having table.

schema_name: Name of the schema having table.

table_name: Name of a table with an identity column in which we want to insert values explicitly.

Note: With in current user session, only one table can have IDENTITY_INSERT property is ON. 

If a table already has this property set to ON, and we SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON statement for another table, SQL Server returns an error message.


Lets create an table with identity column dbo.Country

CREATE table dbo.Country(CountryId int identity Primary Key, CountryName varchar(200)) Go

Whenever we will insert values in dbo.Country table CountryId is generated internally as shown bellow.

By Default IDENTITY_INSERT is off when table is created with identity.

Lets insert few values.

INSERT INTO dbo.Country Values('Australia'),('Russia'),('China') Go SELECT * FROM dbo.Country Go

OUTPUT: CountryId CountryName ----------- ------------- 1 Australia 2 Russia 3 China (3 rows affected)

The CountryId 1,2,3 generated internally.

What will happens if we will insert data with CountryId ?

INSERT INTO dbo.Country(CountryId,CountryName) Values(4,'UK') Go

Msg 544, Level 16, State 1, Line 4 Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'Country' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.

Qus: So how can we insert identity column value manually ?


Set IDENTITY_INSERT for given table property to ON.


Insert Date into Country table with identity column CountryId

INSERT INTO dbo.Country(CountryId,CountryName) Values(4,'UK') Go SELECT * FROM dbo.Country Go

OUTPUT: CountryId CountryName ----------- ------------ 1 Australia 2 Russia 3 China 4 UK (4 rows affected)

After inserting data manually turn OFF IDENTITY_INSERT.


So Use three statements back to back as follows.

SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.Country ON Go INSERT INTO dbo.Country(CountryName) Values('UK') Go SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.Country OFF Go

if you forget to turn off IDENTITY_INSERT for current session and insert value into table without identity column sql server will throw an exception for it.

INSERT INTO dbo.Country(CountryName) Values('Canada') Go

Msg 545, Level 16, State 1, Line 5 Explicit value must be specified for identity column in table 'Country' either when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to ON or when a replication user is inserting into a NOT FOR REPLICATION identity column.

Note:   Never forget to turn off IDENTITY_INSERT property after use.

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