AngularJS config block

Hello friends !

In this article, we will learn What is AngularJS config block ? How to configure AngularJS Application using Configuration block ?

Config block runs when the AngularJS module is loaded. The config block is used to configure the application.

As we know to register injectables directly with the module API as follows.

var ng = angular.module("myApp", []); ng.value('a', 123); ng.factory('a', function () { return 123; }); ng.directive('directiveName', function () { return { restrict: 'EA', scope: false, link: function (s, e, a, m) { }, }; }); ng.filter('filterName', function () { return function (i) { return Math.ceil(i); }; });

it is also possible to register services, directives etc. by injecting $provide or the individual service providers into the config function.

var ng = angular.module("myApp", []); ng.config(function ($provide, $compileProvider, $filterProvider) { $provide.value('a', 123); $provide.factory('a', function () { return 123; }); $compileProvider.directive('directiveName', function () { return { restrict: 'EA', scope: false, link: function (s, e, a, m) { }, }; }); $filterProvider.register('filterName', function () { return function (i) { return Math.ceil(i); }; }); });

Moreover, we can also initialize provider.

Lets create provider with name $service1 as follows.

myApp.provider('$service1', function () { var service = 'service1'; this.registerService = function (value) { service = value; }; this.$get = function() { var that = {}; that.Service2Method = function () { console.log(service); }; return that; }; });

Initializing provider in config function.

myApp.config(['$service1Provider', function ($service1Provider) { $service2Provider.registerService('changed service1'); }]);

Config block is executed only once in the lifetime of an Angular application.

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