T-Sql to replace multiple spaces with single space

Replace multiple spaces with single space in sql server

T-Sql to replace multiple spaces with single space - Every developer face same problem many times when user enters continuous white space between two words. Here you will Know technique, How to Replace Multiple Spaces in String with Single Space in SQL Server?. Its too simple logic which is easy to use.

In previous article we were learn

How to Get table(s) - Database size in SQL Server?

OPENJSON function in Sql

In This article, We will learn Replace Function of Sql Server, And Knows technique which makes it more powerful, by sharing very common problem in sql server that is, How to Replace Multiple Spaces in String with Single Space in SQL Server.

its common problem many times when user enters continuous white space between two words which also increases extra white space in database.

We can replace such continuous blank space by using SQL server replace function.

The REPLACE() function is used to replaces all occurrences of a substring within a string, with a new substring.


REPLACE(string, old_string, new_string)

string: The original string

old_string: The string to be replaced

new_string: The new replacement string

For Example:


Structured Query Language SERVER

USE AdventureWorks2014 Go SELECT TOP 10 FirstName, REPLACE(FirstName,'a','z') ModifiedFirstName FROM [Person].[Person] WHERE FirstName like 'a%' Go

OUTPUT: FirstName ModifiedFirstName ------------- --------------- Adam zdzm Alex zlex Alexandra zlexzndrz Allison zllison Amanda zmzndz Amber zmber Andrea zndrez Angel zngel Alisha zlishz (10 row(s) affected)

Now What makes Replace function more powerful.

we can remove white space squences between two words as follows.

Step 1:   Convert each and every white or blank space with {} angle braces.

DECLARE @str varchar(150) SET @str='Hello friends, Welcome to swclass.com' SELECT REPLACE(@str,' ','{}')


(1 row(s) affected)

Step 2:   Replace each and every }{ with ''. DECLARE @str varchar(150) SET @str='Hello friends, Welcome to swclass.com' SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(@str,' ','{}'),'}{','')


(1 row(s) affected)

Step 3:   Finally replace {} with on white or blank space ' '..

DECLARE @str varchar(150) SET @str='Hello friends, Welcome to swclass.com' SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(@str,' ','{}'),'}{',''),'{}',' ')

Hello friends, Welcome to swclass.com
(1 row(s) affected)

T-Sql to replace multiple spaces with single space - Hope helps you a lot. If you have any suggestion or question please leave a comment. I will surely reply you back.

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