12 Easy steps to remove identity column within SQL server table.

Hello friends, In previous article we were learn.

How to replace SQL Server multiple spaces into string with single space?

How to Get table(s) - Database size in SQL Server?

How to remove identity column in SQL Server ?

Today we are going to explain how to remove identity from a column in a table in SQL Server database, which have important data, without making any change in data.

Sometimes we face a problem with primary key column in database with uncertain sequence generated due to deleting some data from table or SQL server sequence jump when SQL server restarts. To avoid this problem we plans to turn of auto sequence generated by identity column. It seems very easy in case of only one table. what happen if more than one table is present with in database with foreign keys dependency.

Lets take an example first, here we will create three tables tbCountry, tbState and tbCity with foreign keys relation as follows

tbCountry <----------------- tbState

tbState <------------------- tbCity

1). tbCountry have one to many relation with tbState i.e a country may have one or more states.

2). tbState have one to many relation with tbCity i.e a state may have one or more Cities.

Following T-Sql will create a database, a schema and tables with foreign key relations.

CREATE DATABASE SWCLASSDB Go Use SWCLASSDB Go CREATE SCHEMA SWC Go CREATE TABLE SWC.tbCountry ( CountryId int Constraint PK_CountryId PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY(1,1), CountryName nvarchar(200) Not Null ) Go CREATE TABLE SWC.tbState ( StateId int Constraint PK_StateId PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY(1,1), CountryId int Constraint FK_tbState_tbCountry REFERENCES SWC.tbCountry(CountryId), StateName nvarchar(200) Not Null ) Go CREATE TABLE SWC.tbCity ( CityId int Constraint PK_CityId PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY(1,1), StateId int Constraint FK_tbCity_tbState REFERENCES SWC.tbState(StateId), CityName nvarchar(200) Not Null ) Go INSERT INTO SWC.tbCountry VALUES ('India'),('Australia'),('England'),('Poland'),('Egypt'),('Japan') Go INSERT INTO SWC.tbState VALUES (1,'Haryana'),(1,'Punjab'),(1,'Himachal') Go INSERT INTO SWC.tbCity VALUES (1,'Ambala'),(1,'Karnal'),(1,'Sonipat') Go INSERT INTO SWC.tbCity VALUES (2,'Amritsar'),(2,'Patiala'),(2,'Jalandher') Go INSERT INTO SWC.tbCity VALUES (3,'Hmirpur'),(3,'Mandi'),(3,'Kangra') Go DELETE FROM SWC.tbCountry WHERE CountryId>1 Go INSERT INTO SWC.tbCountry VALUES ('Poland'),('Egypt'),('Japan') Go SELECT * FROM SWC.tbCountry Go SELECT * FROM SWC.tbState Go SELECT * FROM SWC.tbCity Go

OUTPUT: CountryId CountryName ----------- -------------- 1 India 2 Australia 3 England 7 Poland 8 Egypt 9 Japan (6 row(s) affected) StateId CountryId StateName ----------- ----------- -------------- 1 1 Haryana 2 1 Punjab 3 1 Himachal (3 row(s) affected) CityId StateId CityName ----------- ----------- ------------- 1 1 Ambala 2 1 Karnal 3 1 Sonipat 4 2 Amritsar 5 2 Patiala 6 2 Jalandher 7 3 Hmirpur 8 3 Mandi 9 3 Kangra (9 row(s) affected)

Now We Will Remove identity from primary key column from table tbCountry.

Step 1:   Create a duplicate table for backup tbdup_tbCountry.

Step 2:   Check data in both tables SWC.tbdup_tbCountry and SWC.tbCountry using count

Step 3:   Add a new column for primary key column dup.

Step 4:   Copy data from primary key column to new column dup.

Step 5:   Match data of both primary key column and dup column.

Step 6:   Remove all constraints from table.

Step 7:   DELETE primary key column.

Step 8:   Add new column with same name as primary key column without any constraints.

Step 9:   Copy data from dup column to new created column (on which we will apply constraints).

Step 10:   Create all possible constraints with primary key.

Step 11:   If every this is good drop dup column.

Step 12:   Drop duplicate table.

You can copy and execute following T-Sql to remove identity from column CountryId from table tbCountry.

--Step 1: Create a duplicate table for backup. SELECT * INTO SWC.tbdup_tbCountry FROM SWC.tbCountry Go --Step 2: Check data in both tables SWC.tbdup_tbCountry and SWC.tbCountry using count SELECT count(1) as T1,(SELECT COUNT(1) FROM SWC.tbdup_tbCountry) AS T2 FROM SWC.tbCountry Go --Step 3: Add a new column for primary key column dup. ALTER TABLE SWC.tbCountry ADD dup int Go --Step 4: Copy data from primary key column to new column dup. UPDATE SWC.tbCountry SET dup = CountryId Go --step 5: Match data of both primary key column and dup column. SELECT * FROM SWC.tbCountry WHERE CountryId<>dup Go --Step 6: Remove all foreign key constraints from table. ALTER TABLE SWC.tbCity DROP CONSTRAINT FK_tbCity_tbState Go ALTER TABLE SWC.tbState DROP CONSTRAINT FK_tbState_tbCountry Go ALTER TABLE SWC.tbCountry DROP CONSTRAINT PK_CountryId Go --Step 7: DELETE primary key column. ALTER TABLE SWC.tbCountry DROP COLUMN CountryId Go --Step 8: Add new column with same name as primary key column without any constraints. ALTER TABLE SWC.tbCountry ADD CountryId int Go --Step 9: Copy data from dup column to new created column (on which we will apply constraints). UPDATE SWC.tbCountry SET CountryId = dup Go --Step 10: Create all possible constraints with primary key. ALTER TABLE SWC.tbCountry ALTER COLUMN CountryId int NOT NULL Go ALTER TABLE SWC.tbCountry ADD CONSTRAINT PK_CountryId PRIMARY KEY(CountryId) Go ALTER TABLE SWC.tbState ADD CONSTRAINT FK_tbState_tbCountry FOREIGN KEY(CountryId) REFERENCES SWC.tbCountry(CountryId) Go ALTER TABLE SWC.tbCity ADD CONSTRAINT FK_tbCity_tbState FOREIGN KEY(StateId) REFERENCES SWC.tbState(StateId) Go --step 11: If every this is good drop dup column. ALTER TABLE SWC.tbCountry DROP COLUMN dup Go --step 12: Drop duplicate table DROP TABLE SWC.tbdup_tbCountry Go -- Drop Dummy Example Tables DROP TABLE SWC.tbCountry Go DROP TABLE SWC.tbState Go DROP TABLE SWC.tbCity Go

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